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Board of Directors

Founder and Director

Grace UWIZEYE is the Founder and Director of the Nyampinga Ushoboye Organization. she is a self-driven individual with a great passion for uplifting the lives of vulnerable families, especially children, young girls, teenagers mothers, women, and youth at large.

She is a young Rwandan girl Born and grew up in a humble community affected by GBV, teenage pregnancy, and HIV infection, this made her identify her passion and used her full potentials to make an impact in her community, where at the age of 16 started a group named Nyampinga Ushobye ( Miss Capable ) aimed at impacting community positively through young girls’ talents like acting, fashion, design, painting, singing, and dancing, where she made young girls’ dreams come true, and been able to organize successful cultural fashion shows, community outreaches and won an award of best Christian short film 2014 named “ Dunamis” in Rwanda Christian Film Festival. Her achievements inspired young girls, women, and youth to use their challenges as stepping stones for unlocking their potentials. and serve from within.

As any young girl with dreams and youth leader,  faced obstacles but never stopped her instead used them as stepping stones to see the impact, where she was able to start Nyampinga Ushoboye as an organization, trained girls, women, youth, and families, mobilized fund and start technical school in Gahanga sector, formed youth fashion agency, fashion and craft design shop, created jobs for young women, started anti-pregnancy and HIV campaign in Kicukiro schools and formed youth, clubs in secondary schools, started community library and kitchen gardens for teenage mothers’ kids in Nyampinga Ushoboye center,  she managed to design and donate more than 1,500 face masks against covid 19, to the vulnerable families in Gahanga sector. Read More

Board Members

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Board Member
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